MTB Experience CLUB Membership

Register as a new member of the MTB Experience Club via this form.  Immediately after registration you will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail with the payment details for the execution of the transfer of the membership fee. Keep an eye on your SPAM! The club must receive this transfer no later than 5 days after completing the form!

As soon as they have received the payment (within 5 days after registration), you're officially registered as new member.

 If you have not received confirmation within 24 hours, we advise you to contact the club directly

You will receive further information about the membership via email after completing your registration. 

ATTENTION: Are you registering as a family? Complete for every family member a form but only apply the paying membership to the head of the family (€ 60,00 or € 45,00). For every extra family member you apply "Extra adult Family € 0,00 or Kids Family with active € 125,00 or passive € 0,00.

More information about the MTB Experience Club can be found via their page.

MTB Experience CLUB Membership
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MTB Experience CLUB Membership

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